The Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare, but potentially fatal, immune-mediated disease of peripheral nerves and nerve roots that is usually triggered by infections. Incidence of GBS can increase dramatically during outbreaks of infections, as was seen during the Zika virus epidemics in 2013 and 2015 in French Polynesia and Latin America. Diagnosis and management of GBS can be complicated because of the heterogeneity in clinical presentation and disease course, and because there are currently no international clinical guidelines available.
To aid clinicians world-wide in managing GBS patients, our international research team has developed a ten-step approach to the management of GBS. These steps cover the most important aspects of diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, prognosis and long-term management. This guideline was published in Nature Reviews Neurology. To view the full content, please refer to the journal website.
The information presented on this website is based on this guideline and has not been altered. Content licensed under Creative Commons.
¨ Diagnosis and management of Guillain–Barré syndrome in ten steps | Nature Reviews Neurology
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